It's our 5TH YEAR Anniversary and our ride date is set!!
The 2025 Ride de Vine is in the historic town of Warrenton, North Carolina on Saturday, May 3rd, 2025. The post-ride will feature activities, multiple vendors, and we're bringing back the catered lunch for all registrants!
Ride de Vine is a fully supported, noncompetitive ride, not a race, on the rolling hills and winding country roads around scenic Lake Gaston and through historic Warrenton.
We have a new start/stop location! The ride will start and return at the Warren Town Square (113 S Bragg St, Warrenton, NC 27589).
This is a great early season ride to kick off the cycling season. There is something for every ability along the safe 20K (12.5 miles), 50K (31 miles) or 100K (62 miles) routes. The event features chip timing with results and finish photos (photos are weather permitting); SAG (Support and Gear) vehicles that patrol the clearly marked routes; and well stocked rest areas.
Proceeds support the Jack & Jill of America Foundation helping children and families.
Consider staying at one of these convenient locations:
Air bnb rentals in Warrenton
campground areas at Kerr Lake
hotels in Henderson, NC
Early Packet Pickup:
To be annouced
Event Day Parking:
Allow extra time for parking as participants may need to utilize on-street and other public parking options in addition to the armory parking lot. This map shows the location of the various public parking lots around town.

Event Day Packet Pickup:
Cyclists who don't take advantage of Early Packet Pick Up can pick up their packet on Saturday morning any time between 8:00 AM and 9:30 AM.
If you decide that you will ride a distance different than the one you registered for, let us know at packet pickup
Participant Packets:
Your participant packet contains important items including your participant number, timing chip, event details and sponsor giveaways.
Precision Race will be providing timing and results as well as both start/finish line crossing photos for all cyclists which will be found as they become available at the event website - http://www.precisionrace.com/ride-de-vine. To facilitate this, every cyclist will receive their participant number in three forms in their registration packet.
- The first is a numbered bib to be pinned to the back of the cyclist's jersey so it is visible from behind.
- The second is an adhesive-backed numbered sticker to be placed on the front of the helmet so it is visible from the front.
- The third is an adhesive backed t-shaped timing chip to be placed on the top of the helmet as shown. The chip should be positioned at the crown of the helmet (lined up with your ears) with the "tail" toward the back. The chip's adhesive tabs are placed down into the helmet vents.
Ride Start Times:
Cyclists may start any time during the window for your route distance by lining up single file (maintaining proper social distances) along the designated driveway.
- 100K Ride: start any time beginning at 9:00 AM
- 50K Ride: start any time beginning at 9:30 AM
- 20K Ride: start any time beginning at 10:00 AM
If you decide that you will ride a distance different than the one you registered for, let us know at packet pickup before you line up.
Ridewithgps Route Files:
20k Route GPX file
50k Route GPX file
100k Route GPX file
Road Cycling Safety:
To help you ride safely and have fun (because there’s nothing like crossing the finish line and celebrating with your friends and family after a long day in the saddle) please remember these 10 cycling safety tips provided by Paula Smith Fitness.
- Proper Attire: Wear a helmet to reduce the risk of head injuries, padded bike shorts for comfort, a cycle jersey or sweat wicking shirt, and cycling shoes or sneakers (no open toed shoes)
- Hydrate: Drink plenty of water and/or electrolyte drinks, avoid soft drinks or drinks with lots of sugar
- Fuel: Eat nutritious snacks but avoid nuts and other high protein snacks
- Equipment: Check tire pressure, seat height, brakes, and lights before you head out
- Share the road: Stay to the right and ride single file (you may ride up to two-abreast when traffic allows)
- Be Verbal: Stay in constant communication with others around you:
- When passing another cyclist, pass only on the left and announce, “on your left”
- When riding in a group and there is a slower cyclist or runner ahead announce “biker up” or “runner up” to alert cyclists behind you
- When riding in a group and there is a road hazard (roadkill, potholes, gravel, etc.) announce "pothole" or "gravel" and point to it to alert cyclists behind you
- When riding in a group and there is a faster car or cyclist coming up from behind announce "car back" or “biker back” to alert cyclists ahead of you
- Signals: Use hand signals when turning, changing lanes, or slowing/stopping as follows:

- Unplug: Ditch the headphones, listening to music can impair your ability to hear warnings and/or traffic
- Stretch: Stretch your quads, hamstrings, calves, and lower back before and after your ride and at rest stops
- Always ride with a smile: It makes cycling way more fun!
Families are a big part of Ride de Vine and we love seeing them out on the road! To make sure that our youngest riders stay safe, here are special requirements for cyclists under the age of 18 years old.
- All riders must be at least 12 years of age on or before the event day.
- Youth riders must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult (at least 21 years of age) at all times.
- One parent / adult may be responsible for not more than three youth riders.
- No trailers, tagalongs, or child carriers are allowed on the route.
Registration includes an event T-shirt (until sizes are sold out)
- 20K Ride:
- Thru 3/29: $60
- 4/1 - 4/22: $65
- 4/23: $70
- 50K Ride:
- Thru 3/29: $65
- 4/1 - 4/22: $70
- 4/23: $75
- 100K Ride:
- Thru 3/29: $65
- 4/1 - 4/22: $70
- 4/23: $75
- Add $5 for paper registration
Medical Emergencies:
If you need medical attention notify the nearest staff member, volunteer, or SAG personnel; they will assist with dispatching rescue help as needed. If you are unable to reach one of these personnel quickly or easily, please follow this protocol:
- Call 911 (true medical emergency)
- Call to request SAG vehicle support for minor health or mechanical problems. The telephone number will be printed on the cyclist's numbered bib for convenience. Note that SAG vehicle support may require a wait.