The St. Petersburg Mustache Dache™ will be held at Spa Beach Park, located at: 615 2nd Ave NE, St Petersburg FL 33701. Click here for an online map. The course is 5 kilometers, or 3.1 miles in length.
Please observe courtesy and safety while participating in the St. Petersburg Mustache Dache™. We welcome the following on the course:
–iPods: make sure they are turned low enough for you to hear emergency vehicles, cars, and the pleasant roar of the ocean.
–Baby strollers (please start at the back of the pack)
–No dogs please!
–Fun, energy and smiles!
Stay tuned for course specific course information and official course map.
Be aware! You have 60 minutes to complete the course.
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All participants of the St. Petersburg Mustache Dache™ will receive the very truly official Mustache Dache™ t-shirt! We have a grey unisex shirt (on the left) and a red womens-specific cut red shirt (on the right) available.
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The Medal
All participants in the Mustache Dache will receive this piece of fine mustache bling to hang about their neck and proclaim to their friends and family that they’re a true mustache fan.

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Registration and Pricing
You can register as an individual or as a team. Teams are 4 or more people. Teams save $5 per person on registration, yay! Teams get to make up a team name, a team cheer, and print their own currency.*
Online registration prices and deadlines:
Level |
Deadline |
Price (Team/Individual) |
Super Early |
July 31st |
$25/$30 |
Early |
August 31st |
$30/$35 |
Fashionably Late |
November 6th
$35/$40 |
In-person registration will be available at packet pick-up and race day if the race is not sold out.
Included with your registration fee are the following succulent items:
- Access to the post-race party, aka Mustache Bash, aka Awesomeville USA.
- Professionally run 5k run/walk experience
- 10% of your registration fee goes to Movember
- Free photobooth fun!
- Chip timing for accurate run times
- Post-race food
- Entry to the post-race Beer Garden
- A credible reason to dress up and have a mustache.
So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and register already!
*Probably not true.
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The Mustache Bash
Once you cross the finish line, you step foot in a mythical land, flowing with revelry and amusement: The Mustache BASH! The Mustache Bash is fully equipped with amazing post race food, free photo booth, complimentary light refreshments, beer garden, live DJ, lots of prizes, sponsor giveaways, music, and other family fun to complete your bash.
It’s pretty much going to be like flying in the 60′s but a lot more spacious and bristly. The party will start once you cross the finish line!
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Packet Pick-Up
People that do packet pick up on Friday are truly awesome and will probably enjoy great success in the professional and personal realms.*
Can you pick up someone else’s packet? Definitely yes! definitely can. You’ll all get a handy dandy pdf of your ticket with a scan code on it. Just make sure you have each and every scan code available on your phone or printed out for those who have elected you the designated “picker upper”. We’ll start with a photo ID to prove that you are indeed who you claim to be.
Packet pickup for the St. Petersburg Mustache Dache will be held on Friday, November 8th at Fit2Run at 256 2nd St. North, St Petersburg FL from noon to 7pm.
If you’re too cool for school, you can do your packet pickup on race day as well.
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Results and Photos
Results will be posted asap after the race.
Your free photobooth pictures and race photos will be available as soon as possible after the race.
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6:00-7:45am: Check-in and day of race registration, if race is not sold out. If you’re late to check-in, you’ll be late to start the race!
8:00am: The Mustache Dache™ starts!
8:30am: Beer Garden opens; the brew doth flow!
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What to Bring
–>A mustache!
–>Running shoes
–>Running clothes
–>Fresh and styling costume
–>Photo ID
–>Cash or credit card for merchandise and food trucks (if present)
–>A healthy sense of irreverence
What not to bring….our four legged canine friends, aka Canis lupus familiaris, the dog. Unfortunately, the insurance we use for the Mustache Dache™ does not allow for dogs to participate in the run. However, dogs are welcome to come and spectate!
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Prizes and Whatnot
As the ancient Greeks, we elect to recognize the fleetest of foot amongst our rapscallion hordes. Prizes will be given to the top 3 finishers in the following age groups:
- No Mustache Growers (12 & Under)
- Angst-filled (13-17)
- “Mature” (18-39)
- Mid-Life Criss (40-59)
- AARPwesome (60+)
We will also recognize the best costumes in each of the following divisions:
- Pirate
- Presidential/Famous Dead Mustache Guy)
- “Freestyle”/”Unlimited”
Finally, we will recognize the teams with the best “team spirit”, which is a completely subjective and utterly biased judgement by East German Olympic judges from the ’88 Olympics. And of course, the best mustaches will be recognized as well!
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Directions and Parking
Need directions? Stay tuned.
Carpooling makes you a better person, opens up your horizons, is good for the earth, and is good for your mustache. So carpool to the Mustache Dache™, yo!
Parking information will be posted here prior to the race when available.
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Refund Policy
Due to the upfront nature of event costs, we cannot offer refunds, or deferrals. Make sure that you are good to go when you sign up! However, we can transfer your entry. So for example, if you registered for Seattle, but wanted to do the Portland event, we can transfer your entry for a $5 transfer fee. Likewise, if you registered as an individual, but wanted to switch to a team, we can transfer your entry for a $5 fee. Please contact us to do so.
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