Join us for the 9th Annual Holiday 5K at Old Fort Niagara! This beautiful and scenic 5K run will take place at 11am on Saturday December 21, 2024. The race will take place entirely within Fort Niagara State Park. The USATF Certified Course features amazing views of Fort Niagara State Park; the Lower Niagara River; Lake Ontario; Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada; Historic Old Fort Niagara, and the Toronto skyline!
THE FIRST 200 PARTICIPANTS TO REGISTER will get to select from one of our RETRO Holiday 5K custom finisher medals. We will be making a donation to the Youngstown Volunteer Fire Company. I have so many beautiful medals left over from prior years and so lets make this our biggest donation yet to the Fire Company!
In addition, runners will receive a custom race bib, and post race food/snacks under our heated tent! We reserve the right to close registration the week before the event to ensure that we can accomodate all runners inside our heated tent after the race. Register early to secure your spot for this must run event of the holiday season!
9:30-11:00 Race Day Registration & Packet Pickup
Packet Pickup will take place in our heated tent where each participant will receive their custom race bib/timing chip.
THE PARTY TENT IS BACK AGAIN! We are planning to put up a large heated tent for the post race party and awards ceremony! Adult beverages are allowed inside the park (feel free to bring your own) for those 21 and older. We will provide food/snacks along with bottled water.
5K Registration Fee ............ $35 through race day
Mail-in Registration OptionIf you prefer to mail in your registration, please download both the race waiver and appropriate USATF liability waiver below and mail to the address shown. You must complete and mail BOTH waivers to the address shown on the waiver along with your check payable to iRunWNY. Paper applications must be received by 12-19-24.>Holiday 5K at Old Fort Niagara Application & Waiver>USATF Waiver (required)
11:00 Official 5K Start Time
The race will start and finish inside Fort Niagara State Park. The finish line will be located adjacent to the historic cemetery near the lighthouse next to Historic Old Fort Niagara and holiday music will sound throughout the finish line area throughout the race!

Post Race Celebration!
We are bringing back the large heated tent (Same as last year) for our post race celebration and awards ceremony. There will be music and food/snacks provided. The tent will be located right on the course in the small lot across from the Officer's Club. The park will be open to the public and participants are welcome to stay and enjoy the afternoon together with friends. For those 21 and older who wish to bring their own adult beverages, they are allowed inside the park.
Fort Niagara State Park
Youngstown, NY 14174

Muskets will be fired at 11am sharp to signal the start of the race. Both the start and finish line will be located adjacent to the old cemetery at Historic Old Fort Niagara near the lighthouse.
Historic Old Fort Niagara
Youngstown, NY 14174
There will be plenty of free parking in the main parking lot at Fort Niagara Beach and limited parking near the heated tent for early arrivals. Participants are NOT ALLOWED to park in the small lot at Old Fort Niagara at any point as there will be tour buses coming in and out and we do not want to disrupt the flow of traffic of visitors to the Old Fort. Thanks for your cooperation!
The awards ceremony will take place at the post race party inside our heated tent. Custom trophies will be presented to the 1st place overall male and female finishers. Custom finisher certificates showing race stats and age group rank can be downloaded and printed after the race via the RESULTS button at the top of this page.
14 and under, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80 and older.
For additional information on the race or sponsorship opportunities available, please contact Paul Beatty at (716) 998-5777.
There will be no refunds. In the event of foul weather, public safety concerns, or for any other reason deemed necessary by race organizers (ex: state of emergency, etc), we reserve the right to postpone/reschedule the event at our discretion or offer a virtual alternative if necessary.
Professional timing & finish line services using industry leading Jaguar Electronic RFID timing will be provided by Race Management Solutions. Results are updated throughout the race in real time and can be accessed at any time after crossing the finish line using any one of the following options:
- FREE ITSYourRace Mobile App
- RMS Race Results Kiosk/Printer
- Scrolling Results TV Monitor
- ITSYourRace.com
- RaceManagementSolutions.com

Race participants can also use the ITSYourRace platform to view and share finish line photos with family and friends for free on Facebook. Custom finisher certificates can also be downloaded from the results page at no charge!
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